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BREAKING: ASUU Begins Two-Week Warning Strike

Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has started a two-week warning strike over issues relating to the 2009-2019 memorandum of understanding/action with the Federal Government.
According to ASUU, the warning strike which commenced on Monday is to get FG to implement all outstanding issues.
The President of ASUU, Biodun Ogunyemi, who briefed journalists after the National Executive Committee meeting in Enugu on Monday, revealed that the issues include: the alleged imposition of the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS), Poor funding and proliferation of State universities.
He added that the re-negotiation of the 2009 ASUU/FGN agreement, non-remittance of third party deduction of salaries of members and non-payment of February 2020 salaries amongst others., also dominated issues raised at the NEC meeting.
The ASUU president also called on the Federal Government to rejig the security architecture to address daunting challenges in the country, infrastructural decay inadequate power supply amongst other issues.


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